欺诈咨询 | Ohio Business Consulting 服务 | 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件

根据 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, 2016 Global Fraud Study在过去的几年中,美国的经济增长迅速.S. 公司和组织损失了6美元.〇30亿韩元 欧元 -诈骗. 该报告进一步显示:

  • 损失中值为15万美元
  • The median loss for a business with less than 100 employees, as well as companies that employ between 100 and 999 employees, 是150美元,000
  • This type of loss is likely to have a much greater impact on smaller organizations

That means if you’re not actively monitoring your business for occupational fraud, 你可能在不知情的情况下赔了很多钱. 每个企业都有漏洞. 你的呢?? 15万美元的损失对你的生意有什么影响? What would such a devastating loss mean for your future stability and the livelihoods of the men and women who depend on your business to help them provide for their own families?

〇主动还是被动 你的 选择

When it comes to fraud in your business, you have two choices. 你可以采取积极主动的方法来应对欺诈, put internal controls in place and monitor your business for potential fraudulent activities. Or you can sit back and wait until it’s too late and thousands of dollars have already been siphoned from your business.


A fraud risk assessment can help your organization illuminate blind spots within your infrastructure. Essentially, it tells you where fraud is most likely to occur. 比内部控制研究更深入, a fraud risk assessment identifies your cycles and identifies risks. 然后, by taking a look at your internal controls, we’ll determine how well you’re covered.

Whereas an internal control study starts with internal controls, the fraud risk assessment starts on the revenue and expense side by asking specific questions about your collection and payroll processes. We also want to determine whether your existing fraud deterrence strategy is proactive or reactive?

你的 business will benefit from a fraud risk assessment if you:

  • 不要设立内部审计部门
  • 有几栋楼
  • 有很多收集点
  • 收集大量现金
  • 下班后收取现金
  • Have had a management comment on your audit about internal control weaknesses
  • 最近实施了一个销售点系统

欺诈风险评估 and Uniform Detection Screening (FRAUDS™)
Our FRAUDS™ (欺诈风险评估 and Uniform Detection Screening) program is designed to evaluate your fraud exposure and detect the most common schemes that could be perpetuated against your company.

No program can guarantee to detect all fraudulent activity, but FRAUDS™ is designed to search for the most prevalent types of employee, 供应商和客户欺诈, 包括阴谋诡计.

意图’s FRAUDS™ team will work with your management team to pinpoint your risk areas, 实施反欺诈政策, strengthen your internal controls and regularly monitor your transactions. FRAUDS™不是一个放之四海而皆准的程序. It will be customized to address risk factors common to your industry and further adjusted to meet the needs of your unique situation.

This program will not only help you detect fraud schemes that may be robbing you blind, it will help you develop and implement deterrence measures. A very small fraction of organizations that lose money to fraud are actually able to recover all of their losses. 你能指望自己是幸运儿吗?

电子邮件的意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件 看看我们的“欺诈”项目是否适合您.

Do you have the structure in place to prevent and detect fraud while promoting accountability throughout your company? An internal control study can help you identify your weaknesses allowing you to confidently manage your business – and the customers and employees you serve and employ. 最终目标? 降低风险.

We’ll first look at all of your collection points – anywhere money is coming in – as part of an internal control study. 然后, after talking to the people who collect money for your business, we’ll give feedback on where your internal controls can be strengthened.

公司也提供内部控制培训. We can educate your team and your governing body about internal control best practices, empowering them to look out for your entity’s best interests.


  • 不要设立内部审计部门
  • 有几栋楼
  • 有很多收集点
  • 收集大量现金
  • 下班后收取现金
  • Have had a management comment on your audit about internal control weaknesses
  • 最近实施了一个销售点系统

电子邮件的意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件 to find out how an internal control study could lower your risk of fraud within your business.

你是否怀疑公司内有欺诈行为? Perhaps the numbers in your company’s financials seem off, or maybe you’ve caught wind of rumors about suspected fraud. Whatever the case may be, you’ll want to thoroughly first investigate any fraud allegations. But do you know what you’re looking for – or even where to begin looking?

意图’s team of fraud investigators is made up of specially certified professionals who can help you and law enforcement officials investigate fraud charges. Our professionals have accumulated substantial experience working with businesses of all sizes in investigating and identifying fraudulent activity. 换句话说,他们确切地知道要寻找什么.

We also have a strong litigation support team at 意图 to provide clients with their specific litigation support needs. By rapidly responding to your needs with accurate and reliable data and analysis, 雷亚肯定是你的诉讼团队的重要资产.

如果你在调查诈骗时需要支持, 提出可信的法律案件, 协商和解或计算损害赔偿, 意图能帮上忙. 给我们打电话或者 给我们发邮件.

意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件 can help you manage your risk for fraud as well as help you investigate active fraud cases and provide litigation support and damage calculations when fraud does occur. 电子邮件的意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件 找出适合你的解决方案.
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